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1. Introduction

1.1. By accessing and using job2job, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. If you disagree with any part of these terms, you must not use our website.


2. Registration

2.1. Users must register an account to apply for jobs and avail certain services. Registration confirms that the user is at least 18 years of age and that all provided information is truthful and current.


3. Data Sharing, Protection, and Ownership

3.1. By using job2job, users grant permission for their data to be shared with our sister companies affiliated with job2job.

3.2. Users acknowledge the possibility of being approached by these sister companies about potential temporary job opportunities.

3.3. Data sharing and processing will be in strict compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

3.4. Pursuant to GDPR, users can request access, correction, or deletion of their personal data at any given time.

3.5. Any and all information (including but not limited to documents, resumes, and content) uploaded by candidates or clients becomes the sole property of job2job. Job2job reserves the right to use this information as deemed necessary.


4. Job Applications in Healthcare Settings

4.1. Users applying for positions within healthcare settings via job2job explicitly consent to share their contact details with the specified healthcare establishment.

4.2. These healthcare entities will have unabridged access to applicants' contact information solely for recruitment purposes, abiding by GDPR regulations.


5. Intellectual Property

5.1. All content on job2job, excluding user-uploaded content, belongs to its licensors. Unauthorized use or duplication is prohibited.


6. Limitations of Liability

6.1. job2job is provided without any warranties or guarantees. We hold no responsibility for inaccuracies or the unavailability of the site.

6.2. job2job shall not be liable for any loss or damage, be it direct or indirect, resulting from the site usage or inability to use the site, to the extent permissible by law.


7. Changes to the Terms

7.1.  has the right to amend these terms and conditions without prior notice. Regularly reviewing these terms is advised.


8. Governing Law

8.1. These terms are overseen by British law, and any arising disputes will be addressed in the courts of Great Britain.


9. Reach Out

9.1. For inquiries or clarifications regarding these terms and conditions, please contact us at

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